Click here to view the incredible video they created that highlights the power of students helping students and why YOU should get involved. The video was created by Elia Sailkaly-an award winning filmmaker!
NSP was fortunate to have the wonderful students and teachers at Hopewell Public School raise funds for NSP through their annual Blizzard Bazaar! The annual Blizzard Bazaar is put on by Hopewell's Me to We philanthropy group. The bazaar is a fun-filled evening led by students, with lots of crafts and baked goods to buy, student performances, raffles, face painting, and a silent auction! This year the students also had an opportunity to write a letter to students in Banakhu! Hopewell raised a whopping $13, 000! We are exceptionally grateful! Thank you Hopewell Public School!
Click here to view the incredible video they created that highlights the power of students helping students and why YOU should get involved. The video was created by Elia Sailkaly-an award winning filmmaker!
Since the devastating earthquake hit Nepal and damaged NSP villages, three groups have visited our NSP villages. Their goal-to see first-hand the damage that has been done so that NSP can be intentional moving forward in 2016. Keep reading to learn about who visited Nepal, the exciting work that has transpired, and what our plans are for the near future!
First time visitors to Nepal, Karin (one of the NSP board members), her husband Jim and 12-year-old daughter, Rowen journeyed to Kathmandu in late October. They visited Bankhu, our most damaged school, and some of the other NSP villages on a 5-day trek. Their family brought hope and joy to the villagers. Betty Irwin, Fran Lloyd and Linda Padgett also visited the villages of NSP, including Bankhu, on a 7-day trek. Their main goals on the trek were to assess the damage to NSP schools, review 20 new latrine installations, and develop a water system repair plan. Elia Saikal, a Canadian adventure cinematographer and fundraiser has become interested in supporting NSP as a result of his love for Nepal. He has summited Everest twice. While in Nepal in October Elia was also able to visit Bankhu and he created a short video that was used by Hopewell School in Ottawa to raise funds for NSP. He is planning another trip in early 2016 and hopes to raise more funds for NSP. You can visit Elia’s website here: While in Nepal, these groups spent considerable time with the NSP Nepal Board members. Meetings focused on reviewing developments of the last year and planning for the coming year. Below is a summary of all NSP developments and plans for the immediate future. We have been very productive! Building and Infrastructure 1. Schools:
2. Latrines:
3. Water Systems:
Capacity Building
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