Nepal School Projects
October 2019 Newsletter
Another project season has passed and the building work in Nepal continues. Babulal Ghalan and his team have undertaken to build a school this year, water with installations and latrines in our Kavre District. The monsoons were particularly intense this year, but did not stop our work, only slowing its progress somewhat.
The pictures above show the finished projects for 2018 and 2019.
1 Sun Odar Drinking Water Project
2 The build in 2018 was a 2 room schoolhouse in Jagthali (Kumari)
3 Phoksingtar Toilet construction - One of the 1,000’s of latrines that we have built over the years.
We have decided on 4 new projects for this coming building season (2019 / 2020).
- Chhyang Chhyang Khola WASH program in Milche, Kavre $40,000.00
- Gyanjyoti School 2 roomed building, 2 roomed toilet, 1 tap stand, 20 set furniture Dandagau, Beltar $35,000.00
- Kumari School Compounding Jagthali - fence
- Student school bag distribution - 500 bags of school supplies
Nepal is changing after the earthquake in 2015. We are working closely with the Social Welfare Council who now monitor all foreign involvement.
NSP Nepal’s new chairman Babalal Ghanlan is excelling at his new position. His regular reporting is transparent and detailed. A new online accounting system in both rupees and Canadian dollars makes us feel very confident in how monies are being spent on the projects in Nepal.
As you are aware, all NSP Canada Directors are volunteers. Our administrative costs are less than 5% of our annual funds. Any trips to Nepal are totally funded ourselves. In February we will take a trip to Nepal to review the projects.
Stay tuned for the next fundraising opportunity next year. The final photo below is the Board Meeting in Nepal with the Nepal School Projects Board Members.
Best Regards
Namaste and updates from Nepal in October 2019 about our projects in the villages!
Babulal returned from the villages yesterday and met with Suraj and Sanchaman early this morning. While he was in the villages, measurements were being done for the new drinking water project and for placement of the water tanks.
Similarly, measurements were also done for the foundations of Gyan Jyoti School. Digging of foundations will begin next week after the Tiihar festivals are over. Here are some pictures of measurements being done for the new school and and drinking water projects.
The first column of pictures show measurements being done for the placement of the water tanks.
The second column of pictures show measurements being taken for the new school's foundation.
Shown to the right are meetings held with the villagers where you can see Babulal and Sanchaman among the villagers. The final picture is from an NSP Nepal board meeting.
We will keep you informed about the project work in the days to come.
Please check out our website to stay up to date with NSP projects: